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Let's Put the C in PLC:
A Practical Guide for School Leaders


For over half a century, we have known that if there was ever a way to improve student learning, it’s this: Get your teachers thinking and working collaboratively to improve their effectiveness and create communities that learn and grow. Unfortunately, this is not happening in most schools, and inordinate inequities persist. 

e-Book: Let's Put the C in PLC: A Practical Guide for School Leaders


For over half a century, we have known that if there was ever a way to improve student learning, it’s this: Get your teachers thinking and working collaboratively to improve their effectiveness and create communities that learn and grow. Unfortunately, this is not happening in most schools, and inordinate inequities persist. 

An Action Guide to Put the C in PLC: Reflecting and Doing


Now you have the knowledge. . .

Let’s put it into practice!