Highly Recommended
"In Let’s Put the C in PLC, Dr. Chad Dumas shines a spotlight on the specific knowledge school leaders need in order to build collective capacity for improvement. In this practical guide to the key priorities for leaders, Dumas highlights the key findings from the latest research as well as the perennial classics. Building on his award-winning dissertation, Dr. Dumas issues a call to action for leaders committed to turning their schools into true professional learning communities. Highly recommended."
— Justin Baeder, PhD, Director, The Principal Center and
author of Now We're Talking! 21 Days to High-Performance Instructional Leadership
Close Persistent Gaps
“Dr. Dumas clearly expresses the needs of our time to serve EVERY child through equitable learning environments. He provides practical tools and insights for school leaders to make this happen. Leaders who put these collaborative practices to use will ensure that persistent gaps are closed and all students reach their full personal and academic potential.”
Anthony Jones
Director of Equity
A Great Resource
“The idea of professional learning communities and learning teams offers great promise. Research and best practice have shown when teachers work collectively, focus their learning on their students’ learning needs, and assess the impact of that learning, their students benefit. In his book, Chad Dumas makes the important point that building principals have a key role to play in creating the conditions needed for learning teams to thrive. Dumas also reminds us that it’s not charisma but a principal’s understanding of the key tenets of adult learning and cycles of continuous improvement that matter most. This practical guide will help school leaders and their leadership teams as they support the growth and development of their teachers and educator learning teams. Dr. Dumas, thank you for bringing this great resource to the field!”
— Frederick Brown, Chief Learning Officer, Deputy, Learning Forward
Successful On-the-Ground Experience
“For leaders who genuinely desire to create a team of staff, parents and administrators working together toward common aims, this is your book. Dr. Dumas has successfully implemented what you will read. He is an expert, with great on-the-ground, K-12 successful experience.”
Lee Jenkins
author of How to Create a Perfect School and Optimize Your School
Perfect Example of How a PLC Works
“As a secondary principal for the past 24 years, one of the most difficult aspects has been trying to get teachers to collaborate. It is not that they do not want to, it is that at the secondary level there are so many nuisances that make it difficult. Dr. Chad Dumas helps guide principals' leadership skills in making this task manageable and provides strategies to create your school into a perfect example of how a PLC can and should work to guarantee all students learn.”
— Brian Carico, high school principal
Amplify Your Difference
“Leadership matters! It is not easy and can be lonely. It is rewarding and makes a difference! This book will make it easier, less lonely, more rewarding, and will amplify the difference that you make as you build a culture where ‘we can do anything together.’"
Mike Teahon
Retired Superintendent and university Department Chair
Study and Use this Resource
“Dr. Dumas thoroughly understands how to help others create a Professional Learning Community. His experience and work to implement this effective school culture was commendable and exceptional. This book is a synthesis of all he has “learned by doing.” Leaders at all levels will do well to study and use this resource as they strive to improve the learning culture of their school.”
— Craig Kautz, retired superintendent of district with multiple National Model PLC schools
For School Leaders Like You
“Leaders know all too well the daily challenges of competing district and school priorities, long lists of tasks to be completed, the limited resource of time, and are continually asking, ‘How can we improve?’ and ‘How can we do better?’ This book is written for school leaders like you!”
Scott Blum
Director of Professional Learning